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50 essential questions to ask candidates at an interview

November 26, 2024/

Job interviews are a challenge, but they’re essential. Conducting an interview is a crucial step in the recruitment process. As a recruiter, your mission is to assess whether the candidate has the skills, experience and cultural fit to excel in the position. But then, what are the relevant questions to…

The latest recruitment trends in 2024

May 20, 2024/

The world of recruitment is constantly evolving, and 2024 is no exception. Technological advances, socio-economic changes and new candidate expectations are redefining recruitment practices. Here’s a look at the major trends shaping recruitment this year, and how companies can harness them to attract and retain top talent. Artificial Intelligence (AI)…

Mastering time management: the key to business success

May 20, 2024/

In the hectic world of business, time is a precious and often limited resource. Entrepreneurs and business leaders have to juggle a range of responsibilities, meetings, projects and daily tasks. In this context, mastering time management becomes essential to the long-term success of any business. Here are a few practical…

The art of negotiation: tips for successful business transactions

May 20, 2024/

Negotiation is a fundamental skill in the business world. Whether to conclude a contract, establish a strategic partnership or simply find common ground, knowing how to negotiate effectively is essential to success in the professional world. In this article, we’ll explore the basic principles of the art of negotiation and…

How to build a solid brand identity

May 20, 2024/

In a competitive landscape where consumers are bombarded with advertising messages and product choices, it’s essential for any company to stand out from the crowd. One of the best ways to achieve this is to build a strong brand identity. In this article, we’ll explore why a strong brand identity…

How to boost growth with social networks

May 20, 2024/

In an increasingly connected world, social networks have established themselves as an essential lever for business growth. Their impact goes far beyond simple communication; they are transforming the way companies interact with their customers, develop their brand and boost sales. Here’s how to effectively harness the power of social networks…

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